Biology Majors & Degrees


与基督教教授密切合作,他们在包括山脉在内的课堂上向你介绍创造性和严格的科学研究, the coast and the Channel Islands. 通过课程作业和独立研究,您将学习实验室技术和现场方法. You may even conduct advanced research with faculty and fellow students. 教授们将生物学和ag娱乐官网结合起来,讨论与科学、伦理和文化有关的问题. 严谨的学习与个人的关注相结合,为您在实验室和环境中获得回报和挑战的工作做好准备, biotech and health fields.

Biology Tracks & Requirements

生物系提供三种选择,可以获得生物学学士学位—a general track providing a comprehensive introduction to all areas of biology, 一个更专业的轨道强调细胞和分子生物学和轨道强调环境生物学和自然历史. Each track is comprised of lower-division courses in biology, mathematics, and physical sciences, plus a variety of required and elective upper-division courses.


General Biology Track

Cellular and Molecular Biology Track

Ecology, Evolution, Natural History Track

Genomics and Bioinformatics Track

生物学专业的文学学士包括低年级和高年级的生物学课程,以及辅助的物理科学和数学. The program is designed for students who wish to obtain a strong preparation in biology, while also obtaining a broader exposure to courses outside the major than is generally possible with a bachelor of science degree.

Bachelor of Arts in Biology


  • BIO 5, 6 General Biology I, II (4,4)

  • Upper-division BIO Electives (12)


Up to two upper-division qualifying Biology courses can be applied to the minor.

Click on the link below to check out the ENV minor website, and contact Dr. Amanda Sparkman for more details.

Environmental Studies Minor


无论你的健康前计划最终会给你带来什么,它们都有一个共同的关键因素: a strong foundation in biology. And Westmont's Biology major is designed with this in mind.

我们的课程将加深你对身体奇妙复杂性的理解.  以及我们的研究经验——包括在神经科学方面的发现机会, hormonal regulation, 传染病——将训练你的思维,在一个需要这些技能的领域进行科学和批判性的思考.  More importantly, 这些经历与塑造健康科学实践的伦理和神学问题的考虑交织在一起-这些“大局”问题是任何健康从业者工作的核心.  我们邀请您选择的专业不仅是为您进入研究生课程做准备, 还为您提供批判性和基督教思维的工具,这对健康行业的服务事业至关重要. 

Click on this link to see our pre-professional programs: pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre-vet, pre-nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA.

Pre-Professional Programs



To learn more, please visit the Education department's website on the Teaching Credential program in general, as well as the Fast Track page for Biology majors in particular.

Biology Career Paths

Interested in pursuing a career in biology?

Consider these diverse opportunities:

Teaching (primary, secondary and college)

Health sciences (M.D., P.A., nurse practitioner, D.O., dentist, chiropractor, pharmacist)

Public health (epidemiology, policy, education, research)


Museum sciences

Wildlife biologist

Park ranger

Ecology and conservation biology


Genetic counseling

Environmental policy and law

Sustainable development

Veterinary medicine

Pharmaceutical industry


Environmental consulting

Environmental education

Intellectual property/technology law (J.D., L.L.M.)

Biology Faculty

Meet the Faculty

Read About our Biology Faculty




Where Are Our Biology Alumni Now?

Anthony Waldrup '11 works as a Watershed Restoration Project Manager in SW Washington state. "I absolutely love it" he says. "I'm able to collaborate with farmers, timber owners, local community members and others on projects that improve watershed health & function." Such projects include  planting native riparian trees and shrubs, installing engineered log jams in rivers for fish habitat, and implementing beaver dam analogues to improve water/sediment retention. "我觉得我在威斯蒙特大学接受的文科教育确实帮助我为这个角色做好了准备,这个角色涉及多个行业与各种利益相关者的对话."

Aaron Wilk ’16 graduated with a triple major in chemistry, biology and music. He writes "I'm currently an MD/PhD student at Stanford, studying Immunology. 今年我的工作完全集中在研究COVID上:特别是什么是好的vs. 对COVID的不良免疫反应,以及开发将不良免疫反应转化为良好免疫反应的方法. Still pursuing a career as a physician-scientist, I'm hoping to run a research lab in academic medicine while also seeing patients."

Mari Freitas '18 目前在明尼苏达大学攻读流行病学公共卫生硕士学位. A TA at the University, she has also been hired at the Minnesota Dept. of Health to work on infectious disease studies. She says: "I wouldn't be here without the support of my professors at Westmont, 尤其是胡里奥博士和麦奎德博士,他们激励我攻读流行病学学位."

Katie West '18 graduated from Idaho State with a Masters degree as a Physician Assistant. She is now living in Boise and working in Dermatology.

Stephen Howe '15 defended his PhD in Biomimicry and Biomechanics this year - over Zoom! - at the University of Akron. "I studied fish swimming behaviors; specifically how fish turn."

Clare Moore '16 is doing her Family Medicine residency at Loma Linda University. "I'm working with people of all ages, from newborns to elderly. I love it!" She'd love to talk to college students who are interested in medicine.

A specialist in the narrow field of radiation oncology, David Bush ’86 treats cancer patients from around the country. 他是加州洛马林达大学医学中心的医生和教授., which has pioneered the promising technology of proton radiation therapy. He contributes valuable research about this form of treatment, seeking ways to help heal people with cancer.

Sarah Bryan '13 completed medical school at St. George's University in the Caribbean, 现在在拉斯维加斯的山景医院做内科住院医师. “在这之后,我可能会继续攻读急诊医学奖学金,”她说.

After finishing medical school at Loma Linda, Ben West '15 回到SB的Cottage医院实习,现在是加州大学戴维斯分校的眼科住院医师. “过去几年的亮点之一就是和波特·克莱一起回到恩塞纳达,帮助医学/登特团队! 我仍然非常感激我在韦斯特蒙特的时光,我希望生物系的每个人都做得很好."

Kaitlyn Lewis '14 毕业于医学硕士学位,目前在洛杉矶担任医师助理, engaged in COVID testing among low-income city residents. 

After graduation, Brandon Coble '14 在卡塔利娜环境教育项目(CELP)和洛杉矶县植物园任教 & Botanical Gardens. "With CELP I took students of all ages on ecological adventures, to teach them about the environment and how they could live more sustainably. Many had never been in the ocean before, so it was a fun challenge for me and them to go snorkeling, kayaking, and see what God's creation holds.如今,布兰登在加州波特兰水泥公司的工作中运用了他的化学和普通科学背景, where he manages a lab. He & 他的团队正在为洛杉矶大都会地区的知名项目开发特殊的混凝土配合比设计(比如LACMA和LAX)。. Brandon adds: "I am thankful daily for the well-rounded education I received at Westmont, which gave me the tools to grow."

Erin LeVoir '15  is completing her third year of medical school in New Orleans, having done years 1 and 2 in Queensland, Australia. "I moved to New Orleans at the beginning of 2020, 正好赶上逃离澳大利亚的大火,直接进入COVID-19大流行," she says. "Navigating a pandemic from this perspective has been fascinating and challenging." After discovering a love for "all things brain-related", she will apply for residencies in neurology after getting her MD in 2021.

Mark Duncan '10 works as a hospitalist at the University of Colorado Hospital, where he is now an Assistant Professor. "I get to do a fair amount of teaching," he's glad to say. 

Stephen Avila '14 hopes to complete his MD and business concentration in May 2021, at which time he'll head from Indiana U back to Santa Barbara to get married! “我打算进入神经病学领域,目前正在做一些烟雾病的研究,同时也在为耳鼻喉科诊所做一些商业咨询.他希望在加州完成住院医生实习期,这样就能靠近他的父亲,他的父亲已经从侵袭性第四期癌症中完全康复. Currently  enrolled in pharmacy school at USC,

Macy Gipson ’19 plans to earn her doctorate in Pharmacology over the next four years.   She is concurrently working on her Ph.D. in pharmacogenetics, which will take an additional three years, so she can practice as both a pharmacist and a scientist.

Mary Elizabeth Heard '18 她在印度南部的一个小村庄创办了一家以女性为中心的社会企业.  她还在研究不同的可持续农业方法,这些方法已被用来为那里的村民创造就业机会.  她曾在德拉敦呆过一段时间,那里的一个组织正在研究可持续农业如何减轻贫困. 

Torin Shaikh '14 had two passions at Westmont: baseball & biology. 毕业后,他在日本打了两年职业棒球,然后回国加入了他的家庭光学 & aerospace manufacturing business in California: TFD Inc.  他解释说:“这项业务建立在高真空室等薄膜技术的基础上, Plasma Vapor Deposition, and other manufacturing methods similar to semiconductor work. Starting as a Process Engineer I'm now VP of Production/Engineering. It's been rewarding to learn mechanical & chemical engineering from a Biology background, and I couldn't have gotten this far without my time at Westmont."